Theological Centrum
Theological Centrum
THEOLOGICAL CENTRUM was created to offer permanent formation programs to secular priests in the Philippines. This was made possible through the JPM Foundation, Inc., established by some priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei and the Archdiocese of Manila, along with a number of professionals, who were eager to assist Bishops in their response to the Second Vatican Council’s call to facilitate the permanent formation of priests (cfr. Presbyterorum Ordinis 7). Read more
“The task of formation of candidates for the priesthood requires not only a certain special preparation of those to whom this work is entrusted, one that is professional, pedagogical, spiritual, human and theological, but also a spirit of communion and of cooperating together to carry out the program…
The body of formation personnel should witness to a truly evangelical lifestyle and total dedication to the Lord… Read more
Priests and seminarians who have completed the program of Formation for Seminary Formators for the Local Church, sponsored by the Studium Theologiae Foundation, Inc., automatically form part of the Alumni Association. Through the coordination and logistical support of Theological Centrum, the alumni organize means of permanent formation regularly either at the national or regional level, such as meetings, seminars, and retreats.
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PUSC First Grand Alumni Homecoming
To all of our STF alumni: Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: habemus PUSC Homecoming! After a long time …
Grand Alumni Homecoming
We are going to have the STF Grand Alumni Homecoming on July 11-14, 2023 at the Makiling Conference …
Seven Ways to Get to Know St. Josemaría Better
St. Josemaría was born on 9 January 1902 in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a variety of resources to get…
The Star of the Orient: Mary in the Philippines
by Rev Fr Alfred Cruz Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27). On the Cross, Jesus entrusted His mother to u…
Mary is the Woman I Dream of
by Fr. Edwin Quinan Many years ago, when I was chaplain of a center of Opus Dei in Iloilo City, ther…
Of Travelers and Pilgrims
by Robert Z. Cortes These days are probably as good a time as any to talk about travel. The reason i…
Unflappable & unflagging
by Robert Z. Cortes What I’d call the unflappable and unflagging Christian faith of the Filipi…
Easter call to Christians to be missionary disciples
by Fr Alex Colmeiro “Go and tell my brethren” … These words of the Risen Jesus to Mary Magdalene are…
Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, The Mother of All Vigils
by Fr. Jun Bermejo Fr. Jun Bermejo holds a Licentiate degree in Systematic Theology from the Pontifi…
The presence of Christ in the mysteries of Lent
by Fr. Anthony Reyes Lent is a special time of year when Christians around the world take part in a …
Time for intense penance
by Fr. Roy Cimagala PENANCE is actually what we have to do all the time. It’s quite clear that we ne…
Communicating penance to “nones” and “dones”
by Robert Z. Cortes The season of Lent is once again upon us and, invariably, the Church’s call to b…
Unity of the Church: some philosophical and historical reflection
by Fr. Cecilio Magsino In the Last Supper, Jesus prayed for the unity of his disciples. In his praye…
Synodality and Communion: How the German SYNODALERWEG went astray
by Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. Chronology of the Problem In March 2019, at the conclusion of the s…
Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia (Where Peter is, there is the Church: St. Ambrose)
Msgr. Carlos Vicente G. Estrada, PhD Each year, beginning on January 18 and ending on January 25, th…
Saint Josemaria on Christian Unity
An extract from Saint Josemaria’s homily “Loyalty to the Church,” published in the book “In Lo…
Msgr. Ocáriz calls Benedict XVI a “humble worker in the Lord’s vineyard.”
Msgr. Ocáriz: “Let us thank God for Benedict XVI, a humble worker in the Lord’s vineyard…
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
A special page about the Pope Emeritus, including texts from his Magisterium and other videos and ar…
Mary, Mother of Mercy
“God’s special love for humble people contains a deep mystery. God is ‘disarmed’ b…
Bidasoa: Seminary is Brotherhood
It was July last year, as Pamplona closes the festivities of San Fermin, a new phase of our seminary…
Holiness in Labor: The Life in “Sedes Sapientiae”
In the Letter to the Hebrews 12:10, it says, “They disciplined us for a little while as they thought…
First Months in Colegio Eclesiástico Internacional Bidasoa
by John Mark B. Mijares It was the year 2020. After finishing my philosophical studies in Saint Vinc…
PUSC First Grand Alumni Homecoming
To all of our STF alumni: Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: habemus PUSC Homecoming! After a long time …
Grand Alumni Homecoming
We are going to have the STF Grand Alumni Homecoming on July 11-14, 2023 at the Makiling Conference …
Retreat for Diocesan Priests
Tepayac, Baguio City – September 12-15, 2022